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Packet Captures

The video below describes Zui's features for working with packet capture (pcap) data.

Areas covered include:

  • The role of Brimcap to generate Zeek and Suricata summary logs from the pcap
  • Views in Zui's Detail pane that show:
    • Correlations between different Zeek events and Suricata alerts
    • Ladder diagrams to summarize connection lifecycle
    • Observed file payload activity
  • Extracting flows using Zui's Download Packets button
  • Right-click menu options for querying values in VirusTotal and/or whois
  • Zui Settings for pcap features


The following sections provide additional detail on the pcap-specific customizations that can be configured in Zui's Settings.

Settings - Packet Captures

Folder For Extracted pcaps

When the Download Packets button is pressed, the timestamp and duration details of the underlying Zeek conn record are queried in Brimcap's pcap index to extract the packet data for that single flow. By default, the generated pcap file is stored in an OS-specific temporary directory. If you'd prefer to specify an alternate directory (such as if gathering up pcap evidence for an investigation), clicking the Choose Folder button allows the selection of any other writable destination folder to which Zui should write extracted pcap flows.

Local Suricata Rules Folder

By default, the Suricata software that ships with Zui applies the Emerging Threats Open rule set when generating alert events from imported pcap data. This rule set is updated each time Zui is launched and connected to the Internet.

If you've downloaded one or more additional rule sets that you'd like to apply, store one or more rule files in a folder on your workstation, then click the Choose Folder button and select the folder. The rules in these additional files will be included alongside the default Emerging Threats Open rules whenever Zui updates its Suricata rules.

Brimcap YAML Config File

The Zeek and Suricata analyzers that are embedded with Zui via Brimcap are configured with defaults that we hope will serve common pcap use cases. However, if for some reason you require customizations beyond those in the settings described above, need to use different release versions of these analyzers, or make use of other analyzers that generate summary logs from pcaps, this Brimcap article describes how to create such a custom configuration. The article shows how to create the configuration in a YAML file. Once you've successfully created and tested the YAML configuration with Brimcap, click the Choose File button, browse to the YAML file, and select it. Once set, any pcaps you drag into Zui will be submitted for analysis based on your Brimcap YAML config rather than the default Zeek and Suricata software that shipped with Zui.